Tag Archives: Turkey

Human Geography: Alarming Fact # 3

Alarming Fact: The Turkish government estimates that it has taken in 1.6 million Syrian refugees as a result of ISIS.

The Human Geo Guy’s Take: ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) continues to expand its territory in eastern Syria and northwest Iraq, with the conflict escalating people are fleeing by the hundreds of thousands. Escaping ahead of the ISIS advance is a wise decision as Islamic State have proven to show no mercy conducting mass executions and beheadings of American and British journalists. This is a clear example of forced migration as these refugees feel they have no choice but to run for their lives.

Adding to the crisis  a  large number of these refugees entering Turkey are Kurds. Turkey has had a troubled history with its Kurdish population and even attempted to close off the border to slow down the influx. The numbers have become so overwhelming that Turkey has had no choice but to let them in. With so many displaced people entering it has become a humanitarian crisis, they are in desperate need of basic necessities as most of their belongings were left behind in the rapid evacuations. With ISIS gaining in strength Turkey should brace itself for an even greater number of refugees heading their way.