Category Archives: Alarming Fact

Human Geography: Alarming Fact # 12

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1 percent of the world’s population are refugees.

In practical terms we hear the number 1 and don’t think much of it, it’s “only 1.” Yet, on a global scale “only 1” means much more than that, with a world population of approximately 7.4 billion that is 74 million people that have fled their homes in desperation or out of sheer terror.

Today is World Refugee Day, for more information:

United Nations World Refugee Day

Human Geography: Alarming Fact # 11

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By the year 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. We can eat fish, but not plastic, so that’s a problem. As we continue to use plastic for its convenience and low cost we create a tremendous amount of waste. About a third of that plastic ends up in nature and specifically the ocean where it will float and destroy the marine ecosystem, forever.

Human Geography: Alarming Fact # 10

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For the last 50 years Japan has given a commemorative silver cup to each of its citizens on their 100th birthday. The number of people over 100 back then was limited but that number has exploded recently as Japan now has on average the oldest population on Earth. Japan also faces an economy burdened by a heavy national debt. Those factors have combined to cause the Japanese government to suspend the traditional gift as it has become too expensive to continue.

This site has posted previously on the increasing population crisis in Japan. To see the original post follow the link below:

Human Geography: The Declining and Aging Population of Japan


Human Geography: Alarming Fact # 8

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The northern Sweden town of Kiruna is sinking due to the expansion of an iron ore mine. As the mine grows wider and deeper the surrounding land becomes more unstable. Plans are in place to dismantle entire buildings and move them a few miles over to stable soil. The picture above shows the portion of the town that will be moved. All buildings within the red line will either be relocated or allowed to collapse as the ground gives way.

The town has always counted on the mine for its economic survival, but in an ironic twist the mine might bring about its demise. This interplay between the need for natural resources and the environment is one of the key themes of human geography. As the world population grows and standards of living increase more resources are in demand. We ask the Earth to constantly give us more, as a result environmentalists argue that we are “killing the planet.” I counter that the planet is going to be just fine, what we are actually killing is our ability to live on this planet.

CNN: Sweden’s Sinking Town

Human Geography: Alarming Fact #7

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Boko Haram, an extremist Islamic jihadist group, has been terrorizing the people of Nigeria for several years. On January 3rd they committed their largest atrocity when the moved into the town of Baga in the northeastern part of the country and opened fire with machine guns and grenade launchers. They had no specific targets and it appears that their objective was simply to kill as many people as possible, unfortunately they were successful. So many were killed that an accurate body count has been impossible to ascertain since Boko Haram is still operating in the area. Current casualty estimates vary from several hundred to over 2000.

While the western world mourned those killed last week during the terrorist attack in Paris it continued to ignore the mass violence taking place in western Africa. It reminded me of a problem I encounter constantly while teaching Human Geography, if something happens in Africa nobody cares. The most interest western media has shown in the current Nigeria crisis took place in May when social media was trending with: “#BringBackOurGirls” in response to Boko Haram kidnapping 273 girls from a school. It’s 9 months later and the girls have not been returned nor has any information about their status been received. One would think that such horrendous crimes would receive continuous attention and that media and the public would place pressure on our leaders to help bring the crisis to an end, but it’s Africa. There are no votes to be gained for politicians, dollars to be made for big business, or ratings to be increased for media so they ignore it, the public ignores it, and Boko Haram continues to kill indiscriminately.

Human Geography: Alarming Fact # 5

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Alarming Fact: 35.8 million people in the world are slaves.

The Human Geo Guy’s Take: The Walk Free Foundation released their annual report called the Global Slavery Index. It defines anybody that is the victim of human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and forced marriage or labor. India, the world’s largest democracy, has the largest number at over 14 million slaves. China, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, and Russia all come in at over one million slaves. Mauritania, Uzbekistan, Haiti, and Qatar are the countries with the highest proportion of its population living in bondage.

In the US we have been trained to believe that slavery is a dark chapter of our past that was swept away by Abraham Lincoln in the 1860s. For millions around the world it is a never ending reality. In an era of modern technology and economic development it is a moral imperative for the free world to combat the evil that is slavery.

Human Geography: Alarming Fact # 4

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Alarming Fact: Air quality in Beijing is so poor that many marathon runners wear masks in order to breathe in fewer pollutants.

The Human Geo Guy’s Take: As a runner I couldn’t imagine doing any run with a mask on, much less 26.2 miles. China has managed to turn itself into a global economic power through industrial production. In the process it has done serious damage to its environment. They face air quality that is so poor many world class marathon runners dropped out of the race. The scariest part is realizing that 11.5 million inhabitants of Beijing breathe this air on a daily basis.

Human Geography: Alarming Fact # 3

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Alarming Fact: The Turkish government estimates that it has taken in 1.6 million Syrian refugees as a result of ISIS.

The Human Geo Guy’s Take: ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) continues to expand its territory in eastern Syria and northwest Iraq, with the conflict escalating people are fleeing by the hundreds of thousands. Escaping ahead of the ISIS advance is a wise decision as Islamic State have proven to show no mercy conducting mass executions and beheadings of American and British journalists. This is a clear example of forced migration as these refugees feel they have no choice but to run for their lives.

Adding to the crisis  a  large number of these refugees entering Turkey are Kurds. Turkey has had a troubled history with its Kurdish population and even attempted to close off the border to slow down the influx. The numbers have become so overwhelming that Turkey has had no choice but to let them in. With so many displaced people entering it has become a humanitarian crisis, they are in desperate need of basic necessities as most of their belongings were left behind in the rapid evacuations. With ISIS gaining in strength Turkey should brace itself for an even greater number of refugees heading their way.

Human Geography: Alarming Fact # 2

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Alarming Fact: The rich world throws away as much food as all of Sub-Saharan Africa produces.

The Human Geo Guy’s Take: Two ways to look at this. First, the moral quandary, we live in a world that suffers from mass starvation yet in the United States we are able to sustain countless All-You-Can-Eat Buffets and childhood traditions like “Food Fights.” Then there is the economic perspective, redirecting food to the poor world before it spoils is not a practical reality. Any help sent that way must be thought out and planned, not a last second scramble. Viable options for food waste must be created that are better than spending resources transporting garbage from our homes and businesses to take up space in our growing landfills.